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Buried telecommunication pipe
Plastic alloy synthetic telecommunication pipe
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Multi-holegrid buried telecommunication pipe is exclusively developed by 8Telecom, which is a fully cast product with cutting-edge techniques. This kind of pipe can act as both jacket and conduit ,would be an ideal protection for buried telecommunication pipe and optical cables, etc because of the high strength,. In Nov. 2001, the patenthad beenwas listed as a national technological renovation product and successfully passed appraisal by the Science and Technology Commission and the Ministry of Information Industry which was the unprecedented patent in China,. It was listed as national key new product in 2002,. The total number of full-automatic production lines is 30 at present, having the capability ofover 5000 Kilometers per month, including grid pipe, quincuncial pipe, corrugated pipe, straight-walled pipe, etc.




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